This roll has that crispy crust and soft center to smear butter on that you love. No kneading required and high in fiber. This recipe converts into Italian flatbread, hamburger buns, or the toast for Eggs Benedict. You now have endless bread options to make or freeze for later. Be sure to enjoy some hot from the oven.

Low-Carb Dinner Rolls
Approximately 6 carbs per dinner roll
- Food Processor (or large bowl)
- Rubber spatula
- Measuring spoons and cups
- Ice Cream Scoop
- Cookie sheet Lined with Parchment Paper or Cooking Spray
- 2 Small bowls To separate egg yolks from egg whites
- 4 Tbsp Psyllium Husk Powder
- 1 ¼ Cup Almond Flour
- 3 Tsp Baking Powder
- 1 Tsp Salt
- 1 Cup Boiled Water
- 2 Tsp Apple Cider Vinegar Or White Vinegar
- 3 Egg Whites Whisk
- 2 Tsp Everything Bagel Seasoning Optional
- 2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil EVOO
- 2 Minced Garlic Cloves Optional
- Gather all "tools for the trade" all ingredients and equipment to save you time!
- Pulse dry ingredients in food processor.
- Add boiled water, vinegar, and egg whites and mix together in food processor. Don't over-mix dough.
- Wait 1-2 minutes for dough to begin to firm up. Scoop out 12 rolls with an ice scream scoop to a lined cookie sheet. Use a spatula to get all the dough out... no carb left behind!
- The rolls will rise slightly in the oven in the shape you form. The deeper the scoop is, the higher the rolls. The wider the scoop is, the flatter the rolls, which can be used for sliders (small hamburgers).
- Brush rolls with EVOO and sprinkle with Everything Bagel Seasoning or sesame seeds.
- Bake 50 minutes until golden on top. A hollow sound is heard when tapping the bun gently with a spoon. Let cool and enjoy with butter. Many options below:
- Option to make small hamburger buns for sliders using a wide scoop. Yum!
- Option to make one large flat bread. Form a large oval with dough on cookie sheet. Top with EVOO, roasted garlic, and Italian seasonings. Slice. Yum!
- Option to use as a base for Eggs Benedict! Use a wide scoop. Another Yum!
- However you decide to shape it, enjoy all these bread possibilities!